Thursday, November 17, 2011

Adventure of Link: Day 3

After finally getting through Death Mountain and getting the hammer, I made my way over to get the down thrust for my sword.  This makes a world of difference in fighting anything that throws projectiles.  Also makes the game much easier.

I have not made too much progress as of yet.  The last hour of game play was spent in the next castle leveling up.  Thankfully there are several high experience giving enemies right at the beginning.  They respawn every time I leave the castle and come back.  Patience it a virtue, and I have lots of it.  When I get my stats up fairly high, this castle and the next should be a cake walk.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Adventure of Link: Day 2

I forget how brutal The Adventure of Link can be.  No matter how far I level up, falling down a hole into water kills me every time.  Link needs to learn how to swim.

The second dungeon was challenging, but nothing too hard to handle.  I did find all the spitballs coming from gargoyle heads and the boss a bit annoying.  Every time you get hit, Link takes a step back and is stunned for a brief second.  It is just long enough to throw of your mojo.

I have also decided that Link doesn't use a sword in The Adventure of Link, he's a knife wielding idiot.  Countless times I sweep in for a stab at an enemy only to fall short and miss completely.  This couldn't be more true than when trying to kill the axe throwing Daira.

Today was the first time in awhile that I got so frustrated at the game I had to put it down and walk away.  Maybe tomorrow I'll see an end to these blasted fools.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Adventure of Link: Day 1

The Adventure of Link is possibly one of the most disputed games in the Zelda series. People do not necessarily have an issue with the story, but more the deviation in game play.  Link is more of a platformer with RPG elements than the traditional style of play.  With that being said, it is still part of main series and thus must be defeated to finish the Zelda Challenge.

One thing that sets this entry into the series apart (among many) is the leveling up with experience.  Every time an enemy is defeated, a little number appears to represent the experience points gained.  You can then level up your magic, life, or attack as you reach different point markers.

To start off, I wanted to get my sword level up to three before beating Horsehead.  One of the best ways to do this is to fight enemies with high experience.  In order to do so, I went through the entire first dungeon three times before it was closed permanently.  Having leveled up to a satisfactory state, I slayed the mace weilding donkey and headed off to the next city.

Level grinding always helps in rpg's, and The Adventure of Link is no exception.  Hopefully this time spent will set me for awhile.  Until next time.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Legend of Zelda: Day 3

As mentioned before, my strategy in Zelda games is to get as strong as possible as quick as possible.  Immediately entering Level-9, I went for the Red Ring to up my defense, and the silver arrow to slay the beast.  This little red elf was bound for glory.

Stupid mistakes always slow down progress, however. I went to use a bomb only to find out my potion was equipped, thus causing me to be depleted of any kind of healing. Before going straight for the Triforce of Power, I decided to leave the dungeon and buy another red potion.

I worked my way through the dungeon until I was one room away from the enemy.  Full hearts and a red potion had me set for a long battle.

Entering the room I immediately started to dodge the fireballs.  Not having bought the piece of meat, I was not quite sure where Ganon was going to pop up.  He started taking me down.  So what do I do?  Throw out all strategy and just start hacking away in mid air. I actually land all the hits needed to defeat Ganon in less than two minutes.  That was easy.

With Ganon defeated and Princess Zelda saved, I could go at it again in the Master Quest.  But the Zelda Challenge beckons me to move onto Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Legend of Zelda: Day 2

One thing I learned early on while playing Zelda is to always have the best sword as early as possible.  The beautiful thing about The Legend of Zelda is that the only requirement to getting the Master Sword is to obtain 12 heart pieces.

Surprisingly, I remembered where all the random pieces were around Hyrule.  Can you believe there was an option to grab potion?  What kind of idiot would do such a thing?  After completing Level-4, I went to see the old man in the graveyard to wield the legendary blade.

My groove finally returned. Level 5 & 6 were a breeze. The only thing that I found interesting in 7 & 8 were all the boss battles. Too bad they weren't too challenging at this point of the game.

Now I stand ready with all eight pieces of the Triforce, all eighteen heart pieces, all sixteen bombs, a red potion, and of course the Master Sword.

Ganon, you're going down.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Legend of Zelda: Day 1

Wow!  Quite some time has passed since I last grabbed the wooden sword and stabbed the wise man, only to find him disappear forever.  I used to be an expert swordsman, so I ventured straight to the first dungeon thinking I could slay Aquamentus with no trouble.

Unfortunately after acquiring the bow the room full of boomerang throwing Goriya quickly took me out. After re-spawning, it became evident that three hearts would not suffice to complete this dungeon.  I am so rusty at this game that it is embarrassing.

The great thing about the original Zelda is the simplicity of making Link stronger.  It only took one bomb to increase my health, which was enough to return to the Level-1, defeat those fat Goriya fools, and get my first piece of the Triforce.

I decided it would be a good idea to get some more hearts and upgrade to the silver sword before continuing to Level-2.  This set me to easily get the second and third pieces of the Triforce.  Now I just need to hit the graveyard a few times to get enough coins for the blue tunic.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Zelda Challenge

I have decided to start a journey through every legitimate Zelda game (I don't consider Four Swords legitimate, or other games with Link like Smash Bros.).  Though I have beat many of the games in the past, this journey will take me through the entire series again. My plan is to go through them in order and report my progress.

For those of you wondering, here is the list in order.
  1. The Legend of Zelda (1986)
  2. The Adventure of Link (1987)
  3. A Link to the Past (1991)
  4. Link's Awakening (1993)
  5. Ocarina of Time (1998)
  6. Majora's Mask (2000)
  7. Oracle of Seasons (2001)
  8. Oracle of Ages (2001)
  9. The Wind Waker (2002)
  10. The Minish Cap (2004)
  11. Twilight Princess (2006)
  12. Phantom Hourglass (2007)
  13. Spirit Tracks (2009)
  14. Skyward Sword (2011)
Let me know if you are up to the challenge by posting below.  I would love to see if you have the courage to take up such a quest.

Nintendo Sucks! Nintendo Rocks!

Like many others, Nintendo has been my brand of choice when it comes to video games.  Ever since my childhood, no other video game company has surpassed my view of this revolutionary company.

I hate that there are so many people that are anti-Nintendo. It seems that for every positive thing said about the company and it's games, another ten negative statements come with it. Why do people hate on Nintendo so much? Is it because they are not trying to have the highest processing and most detailed graphics to date?

I have decided to start this blog to put some more supportive feedback on the web.  Though it will not always be positive, it will be in support of Nintendo; a company that realizes that video games are more about enjoying the game play than bragging about the detail on the main characters fingernails.

Be looking for more to come.  This is only beginning.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Wind Fish in Skyward Sword

One of my favorite Zelda games is the Game Boy's first encounter with Link: Link's Awakening. It is hard to forget the first appearance of the owl, the beautiful tunes from multiple instruments, and the lore of the Wind Fish.  We have seen many aspects of this entry in the Zelda series trickle into other games, but what about the Wind Fish.

There is speculation that Lord Jabu-Jabu from the Ocarina of Time is a version of the the winged whale, but Jabu lacks the wings.  There is also some  thought that the Ocean King from Phantom Hourglass is the Wind Fish, but I never take these guesses too seriously.

But what about in the newest chapter of The Legend of Zelda coming November 20th?  In a recent Skyward Sword, there is a glimpse of what appears to be the Wind Fish (see below).  This makes some sense as Nintendo is claiming this is the first story in the time line.  Could the Wind Fish have something to do with our long eared hero reappearing from age to age?
Watch the Trailer
This has me thinking about other things that would relate Link's Awakening to Skyward Sword.  Maybe at the end Link turns into the owl in order to guide future heroes on their mission against evil.
I cannot wait for the latest installment to hit the shelves.  IGN is even claiming this could be the best entry to date!